Interior Painting Tips and Tricks

Interior painting is a great way to improve the look of any home, but it’s important to do it right in order to get the best results. The right tips and tricks can help make sure your project is a success. From choosing the right type of paint to properly preparing the walls, these interior painting tips will help you achieve professional-looking results you’ll be proud of.

When it comes to choosing the right type of paint for your interior painting project, you’ll need to consider several factors including sheen level, durability, washability, and cost. The most popular sheens for interior painting projects are flat/matte, eggshell, semi-gloss, and high gloss. Flat/Matte is best for low traffic areas like bedrooms and bathrooms as it hides imperfections on walls better than other sheens but isn’t very durable or washable. Eggshell is a good choice for high traffic areas like hallways because it stands up better against wear and tear while still hiding imperfections well. Semi-gloss is more durable than eggshell and can be wiped down easily with a damp cloth which makes it perfect for kitchens and bathrooms where grease buildup may occur. Finally, high gloss paint reflects light more than other sheens making it great for trim work or cabinets but because of its glossy finish any imperfections in the wall will be visible so this should only be used with perfectly smooth surfaces.

Once you have chosen the type of paint you want to use then you will need to ensure that your walls are adequately prepared before applying any paint. This includes patching any holes or cracks in the wall using spackle or drywall compound along with sanding down any rough patches until they are smooth. You’ll also want to remove any existing wallpaper if necessary before starting your project as well as cleaning all surfaces with a damp cloth in order to remove dirt and grime build up prior to painting.

You should also use painters tape when painting around windows, doors, baseboards, etc., as this will prevent accidental splashes of paint from getting onto them while still allowing you to get clean lines when finishing up your project without having to worry about making mistakes while cutting in around these areas by hand. It’s also a good idea to use drop cloths when painting ceilings or floors in order protect them from accidentally spilled splotches of paint during your project that would otherwise be hard (if not impossible) to clean off after drying has occurred on them if left unprotected during the process.

Finally once everything is prepped and ready then you can begin applying paint onto your walls! One tip many experienced painters swear by is always start from top down and work left to right when rolling on each coat of primer or color. This approach ensures less mess overall as any drips that do occur won’t have time too settle into the surface prior being painted over by another coat either above or beside them preventing ugly streaks that could ruin an otherwise perfect job on completion!

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